Your soul knows the answers you are seeking, but are you Listening? 

Your soul is always calling you, gently guiding you toward your most fulfilling future.
          Can you hear its whispers?

I will guide you on how to unlock your passion and true purpose by learning to tap into your soul's wisdom. 

You will go through key stages as you move towards Soul Alignment.

While everyone's Soul has its own journey of ascension as we move towards enlightenment. The stages everyone experiences are all the same.  

Having someone to support you and offer you guidance can be the difference between struggling and being confused or being at peace as your soul grows and evolves. 

Some of the tools I will use in order to reveal your soul's blueprint are: 

A Soul Contract Reading which will reveal your Soul's intentions for this lifetime. The lessons and patterns that need to be overcome.

Energy Healing to heal the emotional traumas from this life or past lives. 

Spiritual Hypnotherapy to unlock and clear limiting beliefs that are not in alignment with your Souls Intenion for your life. 

Soul Realignment Reading to determine the best way your Soul's energy manifests. and resolve the blocks to creating your Divine Soul Blueprint

Reiki to bring through source energy to help you obtain control over your environment and the emotions that are holding you in place.

Spiritual Coaching to identify your goals and help you attain them in record time

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A Little About Me

Hi, my name is Renae Boyett and I want to warmly welcome you to my site.   

I am here to help you live your Divine Souls Mission. It took me years to understand how to heal, grow and consciously evolve.  If I can, I would like to help you uncover your path to growth and expansion. If this seems like something that you would be interested in, schedule a completely free clarity session with me and let's get started on your journey.